Dev-Team a publié une mise à jour de son outil de Jailbreak Redsn0w en version 0.9.10b6. Ce jailbreak est de type Tethered, c’est à dire qu’il est nécessaire de Refaire le Jailbreak après un redémarrage de l’appareil. Passons sans plus tarder au tutoriel.
À lire …
[attenzione]Si vous désirez avoir un Jailbreak Untethered il ne faut pas mettre à jour en 5.1. Patientez que le Jailbreak soit disponible pour l’iOS 5.1[/attenzione]
Appareils compatibles
- iPod touch 3G
- iPod touch 4G
- iPhone 3GS
- iPhone4 (GSM)
- iPhone4 (CDMA)
Etape 1
Mettre à jour votre appareil en iOS 5.1 ainsi qu’iTunes en dernière version!
Etape 2
Lancez Redsn0w, cliquez sur Jailbreak.
Etape 3
Passez votre appareil en mode DFU en suivant les instructions à l’écran
- Branchez votre appareil en USB
- Éteignez l’appareil
- Cliquez sur le bouton [Next] dans redsn0w
- Maintenez le bouton POWER de votre appareil pendant 3 secondes
- Maintenez ensuite le bouton HOME sans lâcher le bouton POWER pendant 10 secondes
- Lâchez le bouton POWER en maintenant encore le bouton HOME en attendant que redsn0w réagisse
Lorsque le Jailbreak débute voici ce que cela donne …
Etape 5
Votre appareil est maintenant Jailbreak. Enjoy !
Le jailbreak est tethered, c’est à dire qu’un redémarrage via redsn0w est nécessaire dans le cas où vous éteignez votre appareil et que vous désirez garder votre Jailbreak fonctionnel. Sans cela, l’appareil ne pourra plus démarrer et sera bloqué sur la pomme.
Pour re-Jailbreak votre appareil après un redémarrage il suffit de suivre les étapes du tutoriel et de cocher « Just Boot Tethered Right Now » uniquement !
Si Cydia ne se lance pas après jailbreak, pensez à relancer redsn0w et à utiliser l’option « Just Boot Tethered Right Now« , ce qui devrait régler le soucis.
11 commentaires
merci d’indiquer que ces redsnow 0.9.10b6 et non pas la version 0.9.9b8 comme vous l’indiquez sur votre tuto qui nous incite a prendre la version superieur!!!
Bonjours voila mon probleme alors enfait lorsque je lance redsn0w.exe pour jailbreak en 5.1 j’ai un message d’erreur qui apparait me siglalant de veriffier que j’ai bien la derniere version d’itunes c’est bien la cas j’ai la 10.6.1 et le message d’erreur me signal qui n’arrive pas a charger « Mobiledevice.dll » a cause de cela Redsn0w ne vois pas mon iphone 4
Bonjour à tous.
Juste une petite question avant de faire n’importe quoi…..
J’ai un iphone 4 jaillebreak pour IOS 5.0.1.
est ce que je doit quand même faire une MAJ d’IOS en 5.1 puis faire le jaillebreak ou y a t-il une solution de MAJ direct depuis cydia?????
ok je viens de voir que j’avais parler trop vite désolé du post inutile…
Il faut le Jailbreak Untethered pour IOS5.1.
Donc est-il dispo sur iphacces?????
Bonjour quandje veux jailbreaker mon iPod touche 4g en ios 5.1 je fait tous se qu’il me disent mes sur mon iPod j’ai une imge qui represente un bout usb et l’image iTune en haut et je sais pas comment faire pouver m’aider s’il vous plait???
Merci d’avance
bjr comment peut on enlever le jailbreak svp?
Bonjour,quelqu’un sais quand le Jailbreak Untethered sera disponible pour IOS 5.1 ?
Bjr esque le jailbreak est pour iphone 4 s aussi ou juste iphone 4. Merci
Tony restaure auprès de iTune
Souin dit :Bonjour!J’ai essaye9 de jb mon iPod Touch MC 4.1, mais sans succe8s, cela reste bloque9. Suis-je le seul? Qu’unlqu’un aurait il la stoulion?Merci. Souin.
Complete list 380 in correct order! all found from this page anawyy 1UP= life + mushroom Air= starter Airplane= air + car Albert Einstein = scientist + energy Alcohol= fire + water Alcoholic= man + beer/vodka/alcohol Algae= life + water Alien = star + life Aluminium = Airplane + Metal Ambulance = hospital + car Arable= earth + tool Arms= metal + tool Ash Tray= ash + glass Ash= fire + snake Assassin= man + poisoned weapons Australia = kangaroo + country Avian Flu= flu + bird/chicken Baby = Man + sex Bacon= fire + pig Bacteria= life + swamp Bar= brick house + beer Barbecue= fire + meat Bat= bird + vampire Batman= man + bat Beach= water + sand Bear= beast + forest Beast= earth + lizard Beaver= dam + beast Bee = flower + beetle Beer= alcohol + wheat Beetle= earth + worm Beetroot= sugar + seed Belarus = tractor + country Berry= grass + fruit Bicycle= wheel + wheel Bird= air + egg Bitumen= kerogen + pressure Blood= beast + hunter Boat= water + wood Boiler= metal + steam Book= feather + paper borscht= beetroot + fire Bow = Robin Hood + Arms Bread= dough + fire Brick House= brick + concrete Brick= clay + fire Butterfly= air + worm Cactus= desert + tree Camel = Desert+Beast Cancer = Cigarettes + Man Car= cart + combustion engine Caramel= sugar + fire Carbon Dioxide= oxygen + man Carmine= cochineal + fire Cart= wheel + wood Cat = Hunter + Mouse Catdog = cat + dog Caviar= fish + fish Cement= clay + limestone Cemetery= grave + grave Ceramics= clay + man Champagne= wine + soda water Chariot= warrior + cart Cheese= quark(cheese) + fire Chicken= egg + life China = dragon + country Chocolate= cocoa + Sugar Christmas Tree= tree + lightbulb Cigarettes= paper + tobacco City= skyscraper + skyscraper Clay= sand + swamp Clock = time + tool Cloth= tool + wool Clothing= cloth + man Cloud= air + steam Coal= fire + tree Coca-Cola= soda water + carmine Cochineal= cactus + beetle Cocoa = Seed+Mexico Coffin= corpse + wood Coin = money + metal Combustion Engine= steam engine + gasoline Concrete= cement + water Continent = Country + Country Corpse = fire + man Country = City + City Crop Circles= wheat + UFO Dam= brick + water Desert= sand + sand Diamond= uncut diamond + tool Diet= man + yogurt Dilemma = chicken + egg Dinosaur= earth + egg Doctor = hospital + scientist Dog = wolf + man Dough= flour + water Dr Zoidberg = Lobster+Doctor Dragon= fire + flying dinosaur Dust= air + earth e book = Book + microchip Earth= starter Ectoplasm= ghost + energy Egg= life + stone Egypt = cat + country OR mummy + country Electric eel= snake + electricity Electric Ray= fish + electricity Electricity= energy + metal Elephant = whale + earth OR india + beast Energy= air + fire ent = tree + life Explosion= gasoline + fire Faberge Egg = Egg + Diamond Farmer= man + seed Fat= man + pig Feather= bird + hunter Fern= moss + swamp Finland = sauna + country Fire Elemental= fire + life Fire= starter Firearms= arms + gunpowder Firefighter= hero + fire Firefly= light + beetle Fish= bacteria + plankton Fisherman= hunter + fish Flour= stone + wheat Flower= water + seed Flu= air + bacteria Fondue= cheese + fire Forest= grove + grove Fossil= dinosaur + earth France = champagne + country Frankenstein= corpse + electricity Fried chicken = chicken + fire Frog= lizard + swamp Fruit= tree + farmer Fugu = Fish + Poison Gasoline= petroleum + pressure Genie= lamp + ghost Germany = VW beetle + country Geyser= steam + earth Ghost= ash + life Ghostbusters = Ghost + Hunter Glass= fire + sand Gold = philosophere28099s Stone + metal Golem= clay + life Grape= earth + wood Grass= earth + moss Grave= earth + corpse Grove= tree + tree Gunpowder= dust + fire Hen Coop= chicken + hut Hero= dragon + warrior Honey = bee + sugar Hospital= brick house + sick Hot Chocolate= chocolate + fire Hourglass= glass + sand House MD = Man + vicodin Hunter= arms + man Hut= man + stone Hydrogen= water + electricity Ice = Water + Glass Iceland = ice + country OR volcano + country Idea= man + light bulb India = kama sutra + country Iodine= algae + fire Island = Volcano+Sea Italy = pizza + country Japan = sushi + country Jedi = Hero + Lightsaber Juice = Fruit + Pressure Kama Sutra= book + sex Kangaroo = frog + 1UP OR frog + beast Kerogen = fossil + pressure Kilt = Scotland + clothing Knife= meat + tool Lamp= fire + glass Lance Armstrong = Cancer + Bicycle Lava Golem= lava + life Lava Lamp= lava + lamp Lava= earth + fire Lawnmower = Grass + Tool Leech= blood + worm Library= book + book Lichen= mushroom + algae Life= energy + swamp Light bulb= electricity + glass Light Saber= arms + light Light= electricity + light bulb Lighthouse= skyscraper + light Lightning Rod= thunderstorm + metal Lime= fire + limestone Limestone= shells + stone Livestock= beast + man Lizard= snake + worm Lobster = Scorpion+Water Locomotive= cart + steam engine Man= beast + life Manure= grass + livestock Mario= 1UP + man McDonalde28099s= Coca-Cola + sandwich Meat= beast + hunter Mentos = Coca-cola + Geyser mermaid = woman + fish Metal Golem= life + metal Metal= fire + stone Mexico = tequila + country Microchip = transistor + transistor Milk= livestock + man Mirror = Aluminium + Glass Mite= life + dust Mold= mushroom + mud Molotov Cocktail= fire + alcohol Money = gold + paper Moon = Cheese + Sky Moss= swamp + algae Motorboat= boat + combustion engine Motorcycle= bicycle + combustion engine Mouse = Cheese + Beast Mud= dust + water Mummy = Paper + Corpse Museum= brick house + fossil Mushroom= earth + algae Music = sound + idea Obesity= man + McDonalde28099s Old Man = Man + Time Omelette= egg + fire Oxygen= water + electricity Oxyhydrogen= oxygen + hydrogen Ozone= oxygen + electricity Panda= tree + beast Paper= reed + tool Pearl= sand + shells Peat= swamp + tree Penguin = bird + ice Penicillin= mold + scientist Perfume = Flower + alcohol Petri Dish= glass + bacteria Petroleum= bitumen + pressure Philosophere28099s stone = philosophy + stone Philosophy = dilemma + scientist Phoenix= bird + fire Pig = livestock + mud Piggy Bank = Pig+Coin Pillow= feather + cloth Pinocchio= wood + life Pizza= cheese + dough Planet = continent + continent Plankton= bacteria + water Plesiosaurus = dinosaur + water Poison= mushroom + tool Poisoned Weapons= arms + poison Pressure = earth + earth PRISONER = assassin + time pterodactyl = dianosaur + air QUARK (cheese) = soured milk + fire QUETZALCOATL = snake + bird R2D2 = Robot+Star Wars Rainbow = steam + light REED = grass + swamp Robin Hood = Forest + Hero robot = metal golem + electricity Romania = Transylvania + country Ruby = blood + diamond Russia = vodka + country RUST = water + metal SAILBOAT = boat + cloth SAILING SHIP = cloth + wooden ship SAILOR = boat + man SALAMANDER = fire + lizard Salo = man + pig Salt = Sea+Fire SALTPETER = limestone + manure SAND = stone + water SANDSTORM = storm + sand SANDWICH = meat + bread Santa Claus = Old man + Chrismas tree Saudi Arabia = petroleum + country Sauna = steam + hut SCARAB = beetle + manure SCIENTIST = library + man SCISSORS = knife + knife SCORPION = beetle + sand SCOTCH WHISKEY = alcohol + peat Scotland = scotch whiskey + country Sea = Water+Water SEED = life + sand SEX = man + man Sex in the city = Sex + city SHELLS = plankton + stone SICK = man + flu SILICON = pressure + sand Silk = China+Cloth Silver = Moon + Metal Sith = Jedi + Assasin SKY= air + cloud SKYSCRAPER = brick house + glass SMOKE = fire + tobacco SNAIL = Shells + Worm SNAKE = Swamp + Worm SNIPER = Assassin + Firearms SOAP = Ash + Fat SODA WATER = Carbon Dioxide + Water SOLDIER = Firearms + Man Sound = metaql + wind SOURED MILK = Milk + Yogurt SPINNING WHEEL = Wheel + Wool STAKE = Wood + Knife STAR = Sun + Scientist Starwars = Jedi + Sith Statue = stone + tool Statue of liberty = USA + statue OR USA + France STEAM = Air + Water STEAM ENGINE = Boiler + Coal STEAMER = Steam Engine + Wooden Ship STONE = Air + Lava STORM = Air + Energy SUGAR = Lime + Reed SULFUR = Bacteria + Swamp SUN = Sky + Chariot Sunflower = Sun + Flower SUSHI= Fish + Algae SWAMP = Earth + Water SWEATER = Yarn + Tool SWINE FLU = Pig + Flu Swiss army knife = Switzerland = clock + country TEAM = Beast + Cart TEQUILA = Alcohol + Worm The Beatles = Beatle + Beatle THUNDERBIRD = Bird + Storm THUNDERSTORM = Storm + Electricity TIME = Life + Hourglass TOAST = Fire + Bread TOBACCO = Fire + Grass TOOL = Man + Metal TOTORA = Forest + Ghost Tractor = lawn mower + arable Transformers= cat + robot Transistor = silicon + metal Transylvania = vampire + country TREE = Earth + Seed TURTLE = Egg + Sand TWILIGHT SAGA = Vampire + Werewolf TYPHOON = Storm + Water UFO = alien + airplane Ukraine = salo + country UNCUT DIAMOND = Coal + Pressure UNDEAD = Corpse + Zombie United Kingdom = the beetles + country USA = McDonalde28099s + country VAMPIRE= Blood + Man Venice = city + water Vicodin = sick + doctor VINEGAR = Alcohol + Oxygen VODKA = Alcohol + Water VOLCANO = Lava + Pressure VULTURE = Corpse + Bird VW BEETLE = Car + Beetle WARRIOR = Arms + Hunter WATER = Starter WEEVIL= Flour + Beetle WEREWOLF= Beast + Vampire WHALE = Beast + Water WHEAT= Arable + Seed WHEEL = Tool + Wood WHEY = Soured Milk + Fire WIND = Air + Air WINE = Grape + Alcohol Wolf = werewolf + moon Woman= Man + Milk WOOD = Tool + Tree WOODEN SHIP = Boat + Wood WOOL = Beast + Hunter WORM = Earth + Plankton YARN = Spinning Wheel + Wool Yoda = Jedi + swamp YOGURT = Bacteria + Milk YOSHI = 1UP + Egg ZOMBIE = Corpse + Life ZOO = Beast + Museum1f6e